“If we consistently exceed the expectations of employees, they will consistently exceed the expectations of our customers.”
Talent Acquisition
There is no question that the Customer Experience starts with your team. Not only that you have the appropriate number of people, but that you have the right people who embody the culture of your Company. This is much easier said than done, especially in today’s tight labor environment.
Our flexible approach is designed to work with your Talent Acquisition Team to help you find and hire the right people. This solution includes:
Recruitment Marketing Strategies
Job Description Writing and Review for the Web Optimization
LinkedIn Training for Recruitment
Training hiring managers to interview for soft skills
Branding your company as an Employer of Choice
Whatever your Talent Acquisition needs are, we are dedicated to ensuring you have all the tools available to hire the right people.
Although hiring the right people is the foundation of your Customer Experience Strategy, it can’t end there. Your team must understand the expectations the Company has to effectively execute the experience. Many people have the best intentions however if your Company has not clearly communicated expectations and established metrics to hold team members accountable, it is very likely that your Customer’s Experience is not consistently executed.
The CX Edge provides a variety of training and measurement tools to not only train your team but also hold them accountable for execution…consistently.
Customer Experience Training
One-on-one coaching for Company Leaders
Leadership Training
Development of metrics and measurement tools
Employee Engagement
Once you have the right people and have trained them on the Company’s Customer Experience expectations, it is imperative that your team is emotionally engaged in your business. This will help to ensure your team is always focused on doing their best for the business and will ultimately reduce turnover and increase revenue.
Employee Engagement is more than pizza parties and team building activities. Employee Engagement is a long-term strategy that continually enhances your Company’s culture. At the CX Edge we work with your Team to develop sustainable employee engagement strategies.